Need to set a tone? Convey new information? Maybe just keep a light spirit about the room? Roger can create a completely unique and individualized presentation using characters and famous folks your audience will identify with the most.

Just imagine characters from the Simpsons explaining a new sales campaign or Archie and Edith Bunker explaining an industry process. The possibilities are limited to your own imagination.

Audiences love the unique variety of impressions and characters and meeting planners love the flexibility and dedication Roger brings to each custom built presentation.

Click on a name in blue to listen to an audio clip of Roger's talent.
Don Adams
Archie Bunker
Edith Bunker
Cliff Clavin
Steve Irwin
Captain Kirk
Robin Leach
Dr. Ruth
Stewart (MAD TV)
Stewie (Family Guy)
Ed Sullivan


Bugs Bunny
Mr. Burns
Elmer Fudd
Hank Hill
Kermit the Frog
Mickey Mouse
Miss Piggy
The Simpsons
Contact Roger Schulte by...
Phone: 1–866–496–1638 | Email: rogerschulte [at] comcast [dot] net
©2005–2010 Roger Schulte